

Advantages and Process

Advantages of being a Bioger

We represent the sector, provide support, and assist you in growing, developing, and internationalizing.




% of the sector’s revenue


% of sector employment

Become a Bioger, and you’ll have access to…

Support in seeking public funding

Selection and support for public calls that fit partner companies, and assistance in finding partners for project consortia.

Fund your project

We provide you access to a network of specialized private investors and support in identifying public calls and finding partners for the development of your business model.

Project Generation

Access to synergies with other sectors for intersectoral cooperation and project generation in the life sciences field.

Activities Calendar

A program of dynamic and highly practical activities and events throughout the year, including technical sessions, bio-lunches, training, and visibility initiatives.

Access to a Specialized Network of Private Investors

Direct contact with venture capital funds, business angels, and equity crowdfunding platforms specializing in life sciences.

Specialized Press Office

We support you in the dissemination of news and events in regional and national media

Personalized Support and Members’ Private Area

You will have access to a team dedicated to addressing your needs. We can assist in answering queries and provide help in finding solutions for your organization’s challenges.

Association process



Filling out the Membership Application Form



Payment of the membership fee



Approval by the Board of Directors



Ratification at the General Assembly


    Representatives data

    Legal representative
    1. That he is duly empowered to represent the entity he registers.
    2. That he/she knows and complies with the requirements of integration according to the Statutes of BIOGA - Clúster Tecnolóxico Empresarial das Ciencias da Vida, and assumes the rights and obligations that the condition of associate entails.
    3. That you authorise the use of your logo on BIOGA's media (website, dissemination materials, etc.)

    The adhesion of the entity representing Bioga in the following category:

    • Full Member: Biotechnology companies domiciled in Galicia. They will be full-right members belonging to the General Assembly with voice and vote.
    • Associate Member: Entities engaged in biotechnology-related activities and domiciled outside Galicia, or those that, despite not engaging in such activities, are directly or indirectly related to the sector. Associate members will have access to the same services as full members and may attend General Assemblies with voice but without voting rights.
    • Honorary Member: Representative entities, associations, and public organizations that, in the judgment of the General Assembly, have the mission of supporting the biotechnology ecosystem.

    Select the type of entity and the type of membership you wish to apply for:

    *Entities joining Bioga under this fee category will maintain the old fee (€200) for 2 years from the moment of adhesion to Bioga, after which the fee will increase to €400.

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      And if you need to talk to us, please contact us directly