Our role as the Clúster Tecnolóxico Empresarial das Ciencias da Vida de Galicia is to represent and support the value chain of the Galician biotech sector.
From the Clúster, we work in order to improve the position of the Galician biotech sector, searching for competitive improvement and business generation by boosting actions and services directly pointed towards the members of the ecosystem.
Related to talent, for a bit more than a year, we have set in motion a job database for profiles such as yours, meaning, looking for employment and interested in the life sciences ecosystem!
This is a sectorial platform, specialized in the biotech sector, in which you will be able to find the latest job offerings coming from our associated companies.
We encourage you to sign up to our job database and accompany us in this webinar in which you will get to know, first hand, our role withini the ecosystem, in what ways we can help you achieve your professional goals and to familiarize yourself with the current situation within the Galician biotech sector.
You can get more information in the following link: Talentia Summit 2023: Professional opportunities in the Galician biotech sector